Keeping Up with the Joneses

Keeping Up with the Joneses
Photo by Kristin Dunn Photography

Sunday, April 29, 2012


(photo taken by Kristin Dunn last summer)

Love this picture.  Not only is the lighting gorgeous and the scenery pretty but I feel it captures a the love Brad has for me.  Sure, Brad and I have our moments when there is not pure marital bliss, although, thankfully few and far between, but I NEVER question this man's love for me.  I had a few weeks about a month or so ago where I felt like I was doing so much with little recognition.  I was busy puttying and sanding cabinets (by myself) all while staying at home with the boys all day and often times at night solo because of Brad's out of control hockey schedule, all while doing laundry and cooking dinner, and, well, you get the idea.  I might have said to Brad one night, where's my gold star for all that I'm doing?!  All I really wanted was some words of recognition (which I did get by the way), but Brad, being the amazing hubby he is, devised a plan that I needed a weekend away from my responsibilities.  He asked one of my girlfriends if she'd be down for a weekend away with me and she said of course and the plan was hatched for a trip to Austin.  They secretly picked the weekend and worked out some details.  Then Brad told me about the surprise about two weeks ago.  I of course was ridiculously excited and grateful.  But sometimes life loves to throw curve balls.  A week before our departure weekend, my girlfriend let me know something came up that prevented her from coming along.  Cue water works.  I guess I didn't know how much I really needed that weekend away from responsibilities until how upset I got at the thought of not going.  I felt bad for crying in front of Brad because I knew he wanted this weekend to be special for me too.  But once I got the tears out and Brad comforted me, I got over it.  We wrestled with the idea of eating the cost of the hotel (pre-paid) and just no one going or going as a family.  The idea of going just the two of us came up, but there was no way I was going to ask my parents to keep the boys since they had just kept them the weekend before so we could paint.  And then, my parents being the amazing grandparents they are, called me and said they wanted to keep the boys again, so Brad and I could take advantage of the opportunity and have the weekend away.  A-mazing.  I felt guilty and almost said no, but the poolside and Austin bbq were calling my name and then I said yes and hung up the phone before they could change their mind.  Kidding.  For the most part.  
And the weekend really was perfect.  We left after Blake's skating practice Saturday and we spent the afternoon once in Austin poolside.  And it was heaven.  

And we had some darn good Austin BBQ for dinner with what is now my new favorite drink... beer-rita.  I mean look at this thing!!

 Our weekend away was so wonderful, but nothing is better than coming home to two little ones throwing their arms around you and planting kisses on your face.  

p.s. - my parents are not only amazing in every way for watching our boys and doing fun activities with them like putt-putt, but they also got Brady to use the potty for the first time.  He went twice.  Both kinds.  Because you needed to know that.  My parents also potty trained our first baby, Odie, when we went to Colorado (trip we got engaged).  So, only fitting my parents help potty train one of my actual babies.   


Mark and Kristin said...

I'm obsessed with the first two pictures. Love your reflection in his glasses. Cool! You are a hot momma!

Mark and Kristin said...

I feel I should clarify that I'm talking about the first two pictures YOU took.

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