Keeping Up with the Joneses

Keeping Up with the Joneses
Photo by Kristin Dunn Photography

Monday, May 7, 2012


 Dear Blake,
Four years old.  I'm having a hard time coming to terms with that.  When did you become this grown up kid??  I recently wrote that you are my miracle baby.  And it is true.  Oh, how I ached for you and longed to be your mommy.  You made my dreams come true.  Blake, I don't only love being a mommy, but I LOVE being YOUR mommy.  You absolutely positively light up your dad and I's lives.  Not a day goes by without you having us rolling laughing with something you say or do.  I often call you my little class clown, because you purposely make those around you laugh.  Your favorite is physical comedy and you pretend to kick something or fall down and this makes your baby brother roll with laughter.  Me?  Not so much.  But then hearing the two of you roll with laughter in turn always makes your daddy and I follow suit.  Also?  Knock knock jokes.  You love them.  I guess really what it all comes down to, is you genuinely love to make people smile and laugh and make them happy.  What a gift that is.  A gift I hope you carry with you throughout your life.  Sometimes you do the "four year old" thing of taking your brother's toy or wanting your way, but the second you realize you've upset Brady, you give in.  You can't stand when your brother or anyone for that matter is upset.  You're an amazing sharer.  Even with your most prized  You always are so concerned that any special treat you might have can be shared with your daddy.  Which brings me to the next thing about you...your love for food.  You love eating.  A lot of your wishes upon the first star in the sky or coin in the fountain, is for food.  That always makes me laugh, like you're somehow starved around here or something.  You adore your family.  I can tell you're always your happiest self, when you are with your entire family.  You are not a snuggler, but you are definitely affectionate.  You love to dish out "I love you's" and hugs.  Two things I will NEVER get tired of.  You love sports.  You seem to have a built in radar and anywhere we go that has a sports ball, you immediately find it and start playing with it.  You love watching sports on tv with daddy and love playing sports at the park.  You did awesome playing on your first soccer team in the fall and you are starting to get some balance on the ice after your first few weeks of ice skating lessons.  You are plain and simply athletic.  If asked what you want to be when you grow up, any type of professional athlete is what you answer.  Oh, and did I mention you are smart?  Like seriously, so incredibly smart.  You started showing interest in time and clocks and your daddy tried to explain to you the big hand and little hand.  I told him you weren't even four yet and to stop, but he said you were smart and understood.  And?  You did.  You don't always quite get, but a lot of times you tell us the correct time and when you don't its usually just because you switched the big hand and little hand.  Mind blowing.  Your memory is also incredible and you tell me memories from a year or more ago.  I know, that with all the gifts you possess, as long as you always try, you will do great, amazing things in your life.  Always remember that.  Always know how so proud your mommy and daddy are of you and how incredibly loved you are by us.  You brighten our days and our lives.  My mom sang this to me when I was a baby, and I sang it to calm you when you were a baby and oh how true the words are, "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.  You make me happy when skies are gray.  You'll never know dear how much I love you.  Please don't take my sunshine away."

Happy 4th Birthday Blakers!!!!!  Can't wait to see what this coming year has in store!

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