Keeping Up with the Joneses

Keeping Up with the Joneses
Photo by Kristin Dunn Photography

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Baby Day!

I should be sleeping, as its the last guaranteed night of uninterrupted sleep I am going to have for quite some time, but I have butterflies in my stomach and a million thoughts running through my head. Today my son will be born, how can I possibly sleep?! I can't help but look back at the journey that has led me to this moment. There were struggles to get pregnant and my pregnancy wasn't always easy, but the love I've had for this child even before he was conceived has always carried me through. The support of Brad has carried me through as well. Our last night as just a couple was really special and I'm grateful we were able to have some good quality time together. We have so much love for each other and so much love to give our son and I feel at peace knowing we are bringing him into such a loving home.
My nerves I have today are because I above all want a healthy baby. But I am also nervous about the labor. I am hopeful because I am already so dilated that it will move quickly and won't be with complications. Brad will be by my side though so I know he will help me through any pain or scary moments.
I am so blessed to be at this moment in my life. I am so ready to meet my son and am so ready to take on my next role in life...Mom.

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