The other day Brad picked Blake up from school and he was in the library with his class. Usually as soon as Blake sees his dada he lights up with a grin from ear to ear and runs up to him. This particular day Blake was sitting on the floor engrossed in a book and barely flashed a smile at Brad and continued reading. The teacher told Brad he had been reading Green Eggs and Ham the entire time they were in there. Brad finally coaxed Blake away from the book with the promise we had it at home and he could read it there! Once Blake put down the book, one of his friends grabbed it for her turn, but as soon as Blake saw someone else taking his new favorite, he quickly ran back and grabbed it for himself. Who knew Dr. Seuss could have such power over an almost 18 month old?! So last night Brad took down our copy of Green Eggs and Ham for Blake and did not want to stop reading...even for one of his other favorite activities...bath time. I just had to snap a few photos... Next post, Halloween photos!! I can't wait. As a teaser, lets just say we have the cutest pirate I've ever seen!
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