Keeping Up with the Joneses

Keeping Up with the Joneses
Photo by Kristin Dunn Photography

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Worried Mommy

Two posts in one day. What is going on you ask? Well, to be frank, I'm scared. Terrified more like it. Anxious. Pit in my stomach anxious. Brady, as you know, has a swallowing problem. As much as we've hoped and prayed and waited ever so not patiently, he has not outgrown it. All his liquids are thickened with a special and expensive gel substance you can only get at very few places in the DFW area. Brady has been through a lot to say the least. He's gone through so much that if I ever stop to truly think about it I'll burst into tears. So I choose not to... denial is great. During one of his respiratory illnesses awhile back where he was unable to always keep his formula down, he just started protesting not only his bottle but the formula as well. We were happy about the bottle, it was the easiest weaning off a bottle of a kid I'm sure anyone will ever go through. However, we wanted to keep him on the formula for extra calories. But we tried milk. No go. We tried chocolate milk and every variation there of. We've tried apple juice, orange juice, nothing. Brady ONLY drinks water with his special gel thickener. We tried giving him Pediasure at one point for extra calories and he got so pissed he went on a strike from drinking all together. He will go on an abbreviated strike whenever we try to give him juice or milk. He's one STUBBORN little boy. And only wants what he wants. Which leads me to the point of all of this. The thickener....its been recalled. RECALLED PEOPLE. The only thing keeping my son from having water enter his lungs when he drinks has been recalled. They sell another brand, but its a powder, not a gel like he's used to. We are about a day away from being out of the gel he likes to having to use the powder he's never tried. What if he can tell a difference? What if he goes on a drinking strike? Brad I know thinks I'm crazy and says if Brady gets thirsty enough he'll drink what's put in front of him, but Brady is one STUBBORN boy. Anyways, I'm sure I'm making a mountain out of a molehill, but this pit in my stomach I can guarantee won't go away until Brady drinks his first cup of water with this new stuff.
Well probably the pit in my stomach will stay there until we get this whole swallowing issue is figured out. More in the coming months on that...possible surgeries, etc. I will be completely gray before all is said and done....

1 comment:

Brad said...

I'll just squint and pretend it's blond. :) You are an amazing mommy and wife. We are blessed boys!

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