Keeping Up with the Joneses

Keeping Up with the Joneses
Photo by Kristin Dunn Photography

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Valentines - Blake Edition

*There are endless reasons why I love my kiddos, but I thought it would be fun, in the spirit of Valentines to write just a few about each boy.  Happy Valentine's Day everyone!*

Oh my goodness I love this kid.  Yes, he tries my patience on the daily, but he also is just so.incredibly.awesome.  I love watching him grow and learn and become more and more of the person he's destined to be in life.  What a gift being his mom is.  One of my favorite things about Blake is his heart.  He's got the biggest one I know.  I witnessed an example of this after school one day the other week.  His teacher was passing out two skittles to each kid as they walked out the door to find their parents.  One of Blake's classmates got some for her little brother too and then he proceeded to drop them on the floor.  Blake having witnessed this exchange, went to his teacher and politely explained the situation and asked if he could have more to give him.  Such a little thing, but such a sweet thing that he did on his own with no prompting from anyone.  He does things like this all the time.  He just is so caring of others and I just absolutely adore this about him.  
Another thing I adore about my Blakers is his passion.  He is passionate about life and in particular he is passionate about soccer.  Seriously its kinda of an obsession maybe?  He knows all the European team names and even the players names and loves watching them on TV.  Its kind of funny hearing him talk about Van Persie or Messie scoring goals or how Chelsea or Arsenal won their games.  Names I NEVER would know if it were not for Blake.  He loves to play FIFA13 on the XBOX and he LOVES playing soccer himself, either at the park or on his team the Strikers.  He said to Brad in the car the other day on our way to a family fun day, "What if I played soccer on TV?" and Brad said, "You mean like professional soccer?" And Blake said yes.  Brad said, "Well, that would be awesome, but those players spend years practicing and playing and putting a lot of time and energy into playing soccer so they can be the best and be good enough to be a professional. It takes lots of practice."  Blake thought about it for a minute and then he asks, "When we get home can I practice soccer so I can become a professional?"  And he's been asking every day since. Passion.  Gotta love it.
And last night as I was tucking Blake into bed he asked me for extra hugs and kisses (a rarity from him) and then asked me to sing him a song...the one I sang to him as a baby.  As I sang "You are My Sunshine", while he closed his eyes to fall asleep, my heart has never felt so full.

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