Keeping Up with the Joneses

Keeping Up with the Joneses
Photo by Kristin Dunn Photography

Sunday, March 29, 2009

So in case you didn’t get it from the picture…I’m pregnant! Mr. Blake is going to be a big brother and he couldn’t be more excited about it!! He has let us know he doesn’t care if it’s a brother or a sister, just can’t wait to have someone to get into lots of mischief with! We feel truly blessed to be adding another addition into our family. Its hard to believe we were told around a year and a half ago that our chances of conceiving naturally were only 15% with an 80% chance of early miscarriage, but here we are with one very healthy and perfect little boy and one more on the way. Yes, a teeny tiny part of us is a little scared to think about life with two babies only 17 months apart, but this lil bean that is growing has already brought so much joy into our lives and we wouldn’t have it any other way. With losing Odie and everything we’ve been going through in regards to my mom’s health, having such a little miracle to focus on is such an amazing blessing to our family.
So in case you were wondering, my due date is October 16th. And in case you were wondering how I’ve been feeling through the first trimester? Well, I have been miserable. Brad the Great, as I’ll start calling him, has had to pick up so much extra slack with Blake as I’ve been struggling on a daily basis with feeling well enough to function. He has been so patient through all of this and I know is able to get through it the same way I’m able to get through the ickiness…we know there is light at the end of the tunnel…I will eventually feel better and at the end of this will be the sweetest reward…a new baby in our arms to love. Stay tuned to the blog for many more updates on our family as we transition from family of three to family of four!!
p.s. – Update from post below…Great news all around…Mom was released from the hospital today! We hope home is where she stays from here on out. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.


Kristen said...

Yeah!!!! Can't wait to find out "what" Baby J is!!!

MGulbas said...

Congrats Brooke and Brad!! I am SO happy for the both of you! Hope you start feeling better and I am so glad to hear your mom is out of the hospital!
Morgan Gulbas

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