Keeping Up with the Joneses

Keeping Up with the Joneses
Photo by Kristin Dunn Photography

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Holidays

Blake's 1st Passover and Easter...what wonderful things did you do to celebrate these holidays you ask?? NOTHING. Yes, you read correctly...nothing. No sweet pictures with the Easter bunny, no quest of the afikomen (to all my non Jewish friends, I can explain that later). I know its somewhat of a crime to let these special firsts of Blake's go by without any acknowledgement, but I promise you that he won't hold it against me when he's older.
Blake went from sinus infection to stomach bug to double ear infections. Mommy went from feeling horrible to feeling a little better to feeling even worse than when she started. And with grandma not feeling up to her Passover hosting duties either, it just wasn't in any of us to do a darn thing. There is always next year. And you know what? I am willing to bet Blake will have a whole lot more fun with the Passover and Easter activities when he's a year older.
My goal for the rest of the week is to just get through it. My dad joked earlier today, "Maybe you haven't said loud enough that you're in the 2nd trimester so the baby can hear shouldn't be getting sick anymore!" Yeah, I agree. You hear that lil guy or girl?? You can stop making mommy sick anytime now!! But once again I was reminded, as I was putting Blake to sleep and was holding that sweet little boy in my arms, the visions of when he was first born and what it will be like to get to go through that again makes these ick days all worth it!

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