Keeping Up with the Joneses

Keeping Up with the Joneses
Photo by Kristin Dunn Photography

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Random thoughts and pictures

The beginning of September will mark six months since I've joined the stay at home mom ranks. There have been good days, bad days, good weeks, bad weeks. Its the hardest job I know I'll ever have. But the one with the MOST rewards. I've been on both sides, the working mom of two and the stay at home mom. I have so much respect for moms of both sides. Both come with their own set of hardships and sacrifices. For me, there is not a perfect scenario. I can't have my cake and eat it too, with being able to work and be at home with my boys. But that's okay. Being a mom (or dad) is full of sacrifices. And sacrifices that I'll gladly make. Because the love and joy my boys bring me is worth anything I'd ever have to give up. I'm so insanely proud and grateful to be a mom to Blake and Brady. The hardest of days with my boys is still better than the best of days at a 8-5. Don't get me wrong though, if my loving husband didn't give me nights out to have dinner with girlfriends or my Friday nights to play hockey, the hard days at home would be WAY harder. I am grateful for the ability to be home with my boys right now, grateful that Brady's health has improved leaps and bounds over the almost six months (which is why I left my job) and my relationship with both boys has strengthened beyond words. Brady's health alone tells me I made the right choice for my family.
Now for pictures... random pictures over the last two weeks via the greatness of the camera phone.

The boys got their hair did last week... They both cheesed it up for the camera!

The other night, Brad gave me a much needed night with a few of my girlfriends and he took the boys to dinner for fast food tacos. Brad sent me this picture...Brady's first time to eat not being in a highchair. Growing up so fast!
Blake on graduation day at swim class this week.

And today we hit up the library. Here is Brady on the kid computer listening to the headphones. This boy is such pure joy. I LOVE it.

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