Keeping Up with the Joneses

Keeping Up with the Joneses
Photo by Kristin Dunn Photography

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Brad and I have been waiting for today to arrive since I think we found out we were having a boy almost four years ago. (by the way, geez! FOUR YEARS AGO?? Really?!) We both grew up playing organized sports and couldn't wait for the days of soccer, t-ball and hockey practice with our own little ones. Today Blake had his first ever soccer game!! The one part we were not looking forward to...waking up early. We are all late sleepers in this house. Most days Blake doesn't wake up until after 8 and he had to be at the field for a pre-game practice at 8:15. Waking Blake up early usually results in "the beast" coming out as Brad likes to call it. However, Blake was SO excited himself that at 7 on the dot I heard his door open and close, open and close. I went to investigate. He was laying in bed wide awake. He woke up excited for his game but decided to stay in his bed because the sun was not up yet. (we used to always tell him if he woke up and the sun wasn't up to go back to bed) Could I love this boy anymore?! We got Blake decked out in his shin pads and soccer gear and headed to the field, one EXCITED three year old in tow.

Blake waiting for direction and looking mighty handsome...

My three boys...
The kids did a few pre-game stretches with their coach and Brady wanted to take part. It was such cuteness...

The game itself was pretty comical. The first soccer game for all these kids resulted in lots of confusion but LOTS of cuteness too! Blake did so good and would keep looking back at Brad for reassurance that he was doing what he was supposed to.
Action shots of our little #10...

Blake was pretty psyched to get a Capri Sun for all his good soccer playing...
And Blake with his PROUD momma...

1 comment:

Melissa and Trevor said...

Looks like so much fun. I loved the first season of soccer for my boys. It gets even better when they get serious about soccer. And we love I-9 sports, we do flag football with them, I had no idea they were in tx too. Enjoy the first season and take lots of pictures!

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