Keeping Up with the Joneses

Keeping Up with the Joneses
Photo by Kristin Dunn Photography

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Catching Up

I've been so run down from the emotions of my work last week followed by the day wrangling Blake at our friends super bowl party that I just never found the time or energy last week to make a post, so I apologize. I guess starting back at last weekend and the super bowl party...Let's just say that if next year we have no baby sitters, I will not be attending. Yes, it was great fun to spend a little time with friends and for Blake to play with his twin friends, the sons of one of my best girlfriends, but it was exhuasting. I could recap the events, but my friend recapped it so wonderfully on her blog (along with photos) so if you feel like venturing to her world of twins and a toddler feel free to check out her blog,

It was a big week for Blake in regards to milestones. He spent the entire week being Mr. Cranky Pants. I guess lucky for me I didn't really experience much of this new found cranky attitude since he spent most his time at school. I knew he was either getting sick or cutting another tooth. Turns out I think it was both. He has a snotty, runny nose and a bit of a nasty cough, but I think what was really getting him down was the tooth making its way out of the gums. I can now feel his next tooth making its way through up top. What fun he'll have chomping down on things with teeth on the bottom and top! And as you know Blake had gotten pretty good at the crawling backwards piece, but not so much on the crawling forwards. After this weekend he is now doing both! The world as I know it is rapidly changing! Yesterday Blake turned 9 months and has his 9 month checkup on Tuesday. Can't wait to get his latest weight and height stats.

As far as Brad and I's world...lots of exciting things going on with us as well. One being we got a new and amazing camera! Brooke is going to have lots of fun with this, but will be taking me quite some time to master. The other bits of exciting news will have to wait for now, but stay tuned...
For now enjoy a few pics!

Below is a pic my friend took at the Superbowl party with her new camera! Could she have captured a better shot of Mr. Blake??


The rest are pics from this weekend. A few are blurry and out of focus, hence Brooke needing to learn lots more about the new camera. They are from around the house and our trip Saturday to visit Grandma in the hospital. (*sidenote, we are HOPING for her return home by this weekend)


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