Our pics from Brady's 6 month photo shoot are finally online!!
Absolutely adore this boy's smile. Can I please keep him this size forever?! Brady is such an easy going baby. He even had a blazing ear infection and didn't let on at all that he had one. It was only discovered because he had a swollen lymph node and I decided to take him to the doctor Saturday morning to have it looked at. He's been on an antibiotic since Saturday. This morning we had a follow up visit with the pulmonologist regarding his swallowing issues. He looked at his ears first and his ear had barely improved. Again, Brady didn't let on at all. He's almost too good of a baby! He prescribed us a stronger antibiotic so hopefully that does the trick.
Well, I wasn't really expecting great news at today's appointment, as Brady still has the rattling going on. The doc wants us to repeat the swallow study in a few weeks and we will see if Brady is still aspirating or not and if the thickener is still necessary in his bottles. We will go back to see the doc July 1st and if his symptoms have not improved by then, we will have to have the bronchoscopy. I have been praying Brady can outgrow this. I DO NOT want to have to put this little man under anesthesia. The doctor feels since he'll be 9 months in July he should have outgrown the issues by then if he was going to and also doesn't want to do the bronchoscopy as we approach cold and flu season. I will continue to pray Brady can get over this on his own in the next two months. I would give anything for this sweet boy to not have to go through this anymore.
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