Keeping Up with the Joneses

Keeping Up with the Joneses
Photo by Kristin Dunn Photography

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wanting to be like daddy...

Brad's had more than usual early hockey games lately and so I've been able to take the boys to see their daddy in action.  They love it.  Blake yells, "Go Daddy Go!" the entire time, while Brady waves and blows kisses to his daddy (the goalie).  And anyone in attendance dies over the cuteness.  Me included.  Brad used some of his money of selling goods on Ebay to purchase a new goalie mask and it arrived today.  The boys fought over putting it on all day.  So cute.  I think, I think, they might want to follow in their daddy's foot steps.  Oy.

Blake, who oddly, even only being 3 1/2, almost fits into this mask. He's a giant I tell ya.  My bff Kristen and I giggle each week at gymnastics that he's like Will Ferrell in the movie Elf.  All the kiddos get on the bars that are a perfect height for them and then Blake gets up and towers over the bar.  We laugh and laugh.  Maybe you have to be there...

And Brady.  Looking at this picture brings an insta-smile to my face.  He looks like a bobble head.  This mask is ridiculous on him.  But he loves it.  Can you see that smile through the mask he's sporting?  True love.

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