Keeping Up with the Joneses

Keeping Up with the Joneses
Photo by Kristin Dunn Photography

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Blakers The Science Guy

Blake got showered with lots of awesome gifts at his birthday bash. One was a science experiment kit (shout out Kristen!) and Blake kept running up to us shouting, "I want to play sciences, I want to play sciences." He is soooo his father's son!
My budding scientist at work.

Brad was so cute and patient teaching Blake..."What do you see now? How is that different after adding the baking soda? Why do you think that happened?" I had flash backs of science class.

Brad took off work Monday and Tuesday and we kept up the birthday celebrating and science theme. Monday after Blake's 3 year checkup (93 percentile weight/92 height) we headed to The Science Place at Fair Park. Both boys loved it. Here they are getting their dinosaur bone digging on...

1 comment:

Kristen said...

AHHHHH, he looks SO cute in the goggles! I am so excited he liked the kit. His "Little Kids Nat Geo" Subscription should be arriving soon!! (hopefully you saw that info. on the card)

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