Keeping Up with the Joneses

Keeping Up with the Joneses
Photo by Kristin Dunn Photography

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Beach Trip Part II - Pensacola

My brother and I were born in Pensacola, about 45 minutes give or take from Gulf Shores.  My dad was raised there.  I spent many summers there growing up, visiting my grandparents.  I have so many memories there.  And of course my mom and dad and aunt have even more.  We made a day trip over to P'cola to visit the synagogue my grandparents were members of and where my grandpa served as a President and picture still hangs on the wall.  It is a place we all have so many memories of from when we were little and me and Adam especially wanted to show our spouses and show our kiddos as well.  

 Family's name still on the row of seats they used to sit in each week
 Torah holder my grandparents donated
 Close up shot of plaque on Torah holder
 After the synagogue we visited the greasy spoon spot, The Coffee Cup, where every one that used to work there knew my Grandpa and Nana and would ooo and ahh over my brother and I when we would come to visit.  Another place with loads of memories. Some of my grandparents old friends also met up with us here.  

And then we went to visit my Grandpa at the cemetery.  It is a Jewish custom to place a stone on the head stone of your loved one's grave as a symbol of your visit and that your loved one has not been forgotten.  My mom brought some nice stones from home to ensure we'd all have one.  We placed one on my grandpa's grave as well as other close loved ones buried there.  Blake, who has the sweetest heart I've ever known, asked my mom for another stone because he saw some one's headstone that didn't have any stones on it and wanted them to have one too.  Love that kid.  

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