Keeping Up with the Joneses

Keeping Up with the Joneses
Photo by Kristin Dunn Photography

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Lack of Patience

I'm trying to be patient. Really, I am. But, I think I'm done. I'm anxious. I'm scared. I'm tired of the unknown. I know I could use more of Brad's positivity and patience and just certainty that everything is going to be okay. But the what if's are growing louder in my mind as more time goes by with knowing nothing. I look at the most beautiful smile in the world and I wonder why is he having to go through this? When will it stop? Please God don't let anything be seriously wrong with this sweetest little boy. Tuesday morning we took Brady to be tested for Cystic Fibrosis. Brady who is used to being poked and prodded more than he should, was like this test aint no thang. I was so proud of him and the joy he was spreading around the clinic during the hour + we were there. Here is a picture of Mr. Brady man waiting for his arms to produce enough sweat to collect. Notice the blue tape around his arms. He was our muscle man, working up a sweat...

We were told the biopsies and blood work from last Wednesday should be back by today. Now I've been told it could be tomorrow, Friday or even next week, same with the cystic fibrosis test. Seriously, don't these people know, there is a mom who's stomach is in knots waiting for some answers?!

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