Last night as I was watching the boys play and laugh together I thought about the time, towards the end of my pregnancy with Brady, when I worried like crazy about how much bringing another baby into our family would rock Blake's world. Many nights I would end up in tears (I'm sure the raging pregnancy hormones had nothing to do with that) thinking about it all. Would Blake feel less loved? Would his loving and sweet personality be diminished once our attention had to be shared? I was terrified. I cried to my mom about it and she reminded me, "Giving Blake a sibling is one of the greatest gifts you'll ever give him." Her comment made sense, it really did. After all, I couldn't imagine having grown up without my big brother. I knew I always wanted to have two kids and hoped they would be as close as my brother and I. But still, I worried. I just didn't know if Blake would be suited to be a big brother. I watch these two brothers together now and my heart swells with pride and love and gratitude. They play together all day every day. Laughing, wrestling, giggling, learning, tickling, exploring, sharing. They hug each other every night before bed and every morning when they see each other again. They are the greatest gift to the other they will ever have. Best Friends. Brothers.
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